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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions/General

Z old-wiki.siliconhill.cz
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How to read this FAQ?

FAQ is the first place, where you could find out information, how to fix problems. Here during the years were accumulated the most frequent questions asked by Stahov net users. Definitely it worths to read it all, even though you will remember just the rough contents. If you seek answer for a certain question, it is the best to use search function of your internet browser.

How to search with web browser?

If you browse this document with ordinary methods, you could easily miss the desired answer. It rather convenient to search for some keyword. E.g. in Internet Explorer and in Mozilla Firefox this could be accessed via shortcut Ctrl-F.

What restrictions apply to users of net?

In general these restrictions are driven by Rules of internet usage (in Czech). As time passed by it seemed to be right to introduce some other restrictions. These were stated on admins' meetings and are mandatory: zákoník (in Czech).

Jmenné prostory
